“My skin is sensitive.” We’ve all heard this disclaimer, and in fact may make it ourselves. But what is sensitive skin? What causes it? And most importantly, how do we treat it?
I characterize sensitive skin by the acronym IRRITANTS: Itching, redness, rosacea, irritation, tightness, acne, no real barrier function, trauma (chemical peels, environment) and scaly patches. Its cause is both internal sources such as hormones, food, viruses, acne, underlying skin disorders and external including pollution, peels, mold and sun. People who struggle with sensitive skin spend a lot of time trying to find the right products to soothe and balance their skin. But the bottom line is that products are not necessarily always going to fix the challenge if the source is internal. However, the right products can make a big difference in calming the skin and keeping the skin balanced.
Take rosacea for example. Rosacea is a chronic, sensitive-skin issue involving flushing, flakiness, bumps and broken vessels. Little is known about the cause of rosacea, although some believe it is caused by genetics, an overly acid pH level in the body or weakness of the vascular system. A very interesting theory surrounding rosacea is that that it may come from a virus similar to the herpes virus. For some people, natural ingredients like green tea, aloe vera, chamomile, haberlea rhodopensis (found in Correcting Rescue Crème) and licorice extract can help calm the irritation. If the virus or acid pH theory is true, then it’s a matter of supporting the body’s immune system to keep it under wraps which brings in (as always) the topic of nutrition and making sure the body is getting the right balance of nutrients.
The most important step in finding the right skincare products is to identify the type kind of sensitivity you have. Do you have allergies? Acne, rosacea, hormonal issues? Are you sensitive to certain products (contact dermatitis)? Not all sensitive skincare products fit all kinds of sensitivity. Getting a proper skin analysis from a licensed esthetician or holistic dermatologist can help you to determine what kind of sensitivity you have. Once you understand the source, it’s much easier to put together a proper home regimen.
Generally, in caring for sensitive skin, keep in mind that less is more. Here are a few general tips:
- Use products tailored to sensitive skin, which typically have fewer ingredients.
- As always, look at your lifestyle first to address any skin imbalances. I’ve seen miracles happen with changes in nutrition alone. Eat mostly alkaline foods (veggies!). Dramatically reduce sugar intake.
- Keep your skincare regimen simple. You can maintain and balance sensitive skin with just a few products like a good cleanser, serum, moisturizer and eye crème.
- Use a gentle cleanser for the skin. It doesn’t have to be a milky cleanser but sometimes they are gentler depending upon the formula (Rehydrating Neroli Cleansing Milk).
- Use a moisturizer that contains anti-inflammatory ingredients and protective moisturizers to care for the skin. (Correcting Rescue Crème or Rehydrating Capilar Essence)
- Be sure to protect sensitive skin particularly in the summer and in the winter when the weather is dry or skin is exposed to harsher elements with a proper sunscreen or with anti-inflammatory ingredients and products (Face Serum SPF 25).
- Keep stress in perspective. Stress has been known to have a strong influence on the skin, especially sensitive skin.
With love,