Say Yes to Wellness

The excitement of summer is in the air at Kerstin Florian headquarters. That’s because of the energy, enthusiasm, and ‘magic’ we feel as we’ve been counting down to Global Wellness Day, June 13, 2015, a social movement without any commercial purpose that was started by my beautiful Turkish friend, Belgin Aksoy.

Global Wellness Day was first celebrated only three short years ago, in Turkey – under the premises that something so important as our wellbeing deserved its own special day. We are thrilled that this year, more than 50 countries around the world will be sharing the mission of wellness – stopping, pausing, reflecting – for this one day – to ask the poignant question: “How can I live a healthier and better life?”

True change, of course, begins on a small scale, and with little steps. Global Wellness Day has identified seven easy steps – that will make a huge impact on lives. And we’ve added a few of our favorite Kerstin Florian wellness tips to the mix.

Walk one hour per day – rise early before work to start your day; walk during a lunch break; or after work in the evening, walk just to walk and clear your head. Also for quick errands – to the grocer, bank – try walking instead of driving.

Drink more water – a great rule of thumb is to drink half your body weight (in ounces) per day of the purest water you can. Spring water in glass is best. If you don’t filter your water, your body will have to.

Avoid plastic bottles – which pollute our earth and destroy our oceans. Invest instead in a large, reusable container that can easily be refilled while on the go.

Eat organic, locally-sourced produce – to ensure you’re getting enough fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet, invest in a high-speed blender like a Vitamix, to make green (veggie) and fruit smoothies.

Do a good deed – practice the art of kindness, even when you don’t feel like it. Hold the door open for a stranger, smile, pay it forward.

Eat a family dinner – make a point to sit down, as a family to eat dinner, converse, share your day.

Go to bed at 10 p.m. – getting our ‘beauty rest’ is important. We call it vitamin S.

Have a spa treatment – beyond the aesthetically pleasing experience of spa, treatments (massage, body wraps, facials, steam-sauna) help to release an important hormone called oxytocin which helps us feel loved, connected and blissful.

Take care of your skin – our body’s largest organ. For the face, start with an easy skincare regimen of cleanse, tone, moisturize, morning and night with gentle exfoliation once a week.

Express gratitude – say thank you to the people in your life; soak in the beauty of the nature that surrounds you. Try keeping a gratitude journal, at end of the day just before bed (or whatever works best for you), take a moment to write down all that you’re grateful for. Grow your relationship with your inner self and your spirituality through meditation and prayer. And always do your best at everything you do (read Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz).

Certainly on my gratitude list for June 13 is this worldwide Global Wellness effort. The Kerstin Florian Team will be at a private wellness event taking place at the Four Seasons Hotel Los Angeles at Beverly Hills. Its purpose is to promote a truly obtainable wellness-loving lifestyle around the world. I couldn’t be more excited and humbled at the same time.


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