Pregnancy Glow

Spring has arrived at Kerstin Florian. Many, in our KFI office, are expecting babies and with the new arrivals, there is a lot of smiling, planning and celebrating. Pregnancy is a time to celebrate the creation of life and female super-hero invincibility. It’s also a time to address the myriad of physical changes that coincide with the surge of hormones, particularly in the skin.

Fortunately, most skin conditions seen in pregnancy disappear after the baby arrives. And during this time, much can be done to support the changes in the skin. Knowing what can be done makes a big difference in maintaining balance and peace of mind.

So what, exactly, happens to the skin during pregnancy?

  1. Sensitivity: Skin may become sensitive or break out due to hormonal activity. It may be a time to reevaluate your skin regimen. Choose a gentle cleanser like Rehydrating Neroli Cleansing Milk or mix Rehydrating Neroli Cleansing Milk with Clarifying Oil-Control Cleanser. Rehydrating Capilar Essence and Neroli Oil are also great for moisturizing the skin.
  2. Acne: A big challenge for many. It is important to keep a strict cleansing routine. Part of the challenge with treating acne during pregnancy is ingredient-based. Many of the products typically used to treat acne are not recommended while you are pregnant. Eliminating milk and wheat from your diet can help. Try Clarifying Oil-Control Serum to help keep blemishes under control.
  3. Hyperpigmentation: a.k.a. “Pregnancy Masque.” Some statistics show that 50 percent of pregnant women show some signs of pregnancy masque. Why? Pregnancy causes excess melanin production. Melasma (also known as chloasma) is a form of hyperpigmentation characterized by tan or brown patches. It is always a good idea to limit excessive sun exposure and wear a hat in the sun – but even more so during pregnancy. Try Correcting Brightening Facial Treatment.
  4. Stretch Marks: As the body grows bigger, the skin has to stretch and unfortunately, this can lead to stretch marks. Once formed, stretch marks are difficult to get rid of – so prevention is better than a cure. A twice-daily massage with a pregnancy massage oil (raw coconut oil or Vitamin E) using light sweeping movements does wonders. Gently rub the oil into the skin of the abdomen. I also recommend Aloe Gel with organic aloe.

The skin conditions often seen during pregnancy can, of course, be lessened by creating a healthy inner ecosystem – i.e. eating a diet high in raw green leafy vegetables, energizing and fermented foods and taking probiotics (Note: a healthy skin will stretch as far as it needs to and return to normal). In her book, The Body Ecology Diet, Donna Gates (whom I’ve heard speak on several occasions), discusses the importance of keeping candida under control. Candida Albicans is a yeast microorganism that commonly lives in the intestinal tract. When the “inner ecology” gets off balance, it can cause a candida overgrowth (yeast infection) resulting in a multitude of symptoms. For moms, candida can fuel skin flare-ups, but for infants, it is the culprit of so many of the challenges, such as thrush, rashes and poor digestion.

As you move through your pregnancy, try not to stress over pregnancy skin, and instead, as the women in our KFI offices are doing – celebrate, laugh, and eat well. Healthy babies begin with healthy parents.


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