Celebrating Earth Day

Thank you Earth for our home, for the wide sky and the blessed sun, for the oceans and streams, for the hills, mountains and whispering wind, for the flowers, trees and green grass. Thank you for Earth Day.

April 22nd marks the 45th anniversary of Earth Day around the world. More than one billion people will participate in activities this week, making it the largest civic observance in the world.

For me, Earth Day is one of the most important days of the year — reminding us that we live on a beautiful planet that requires our constant respect, love and attention. Earth Day gives us the opportunity to re-evaluate our relationship to ourselves, to others, our health, to the planet and how we live our lives. It’s a day of celebration and contemplation — and, unlike many special days, does not require any prep work. In fact, Earth Day is very simple to observe.

A few ways to celebrate:

  1. Connect to Earth: It’s spring time in the northern hemisphere and flowers are in full bloom. If the weather allows, toss off your shoes and get connected to the earth.. I try to make this a regular practice but admittedly can go several days in between. I live at the beach where it is natural to take walks barefoot. ‘Earthing’ as it is called has so many health benefits substantiated by research.
  2. Teach a Child: The greatest gift we can give to the planet is to teach sustainability and respect for Mother Nature to the next generation. Teach a child that every day is Earth Day.
  3. Eat Organic and Green: Imagine the possibilities if one billion people had this blessing?
  4. Visualize Perfect Harmony: Close your eyes and visualize earth in perfect harmony and balance.
  5. Set a Goal: Make one goal to improve sustainability in your life — like finally switching to sustainable household cleaners, carrying a (non-plastic) water bottle with you, or bringing reusable bags to the market.

I will be observing Earth Day with special friends. We will spend it in contemplation, doing yoga, enjoying nature hikes and beach walks. Water conservation is a big topic for us in California so both personally and at the corporate office, we will be implementing new ways to reduce our water consumption.

And as we take daily mindful steps today, we are excited to announce that Healing Lifestyles & Spas honored two of our products with a 2015 Earth Day Award.

Correcting Eye Rescue — Best Eye Treatment
Correcting Brightening Body Scrub — Best Body Scrub

These are two of my favorite new products and we are thrilled to have them recognized for their natural benefits.

Correcting Eye Rescue, based on pure concentrated laminaria algae (rich in amino acids, essential energizing minerals and trace elements) has clinically proven results for instantly younger looking eyes. This all-natural eye treatment provides an intensive energy boost to lift, plump and smooth the skin. It helps to stimulate collagen production. Clinical studies have proven it to: reduce wrinkle depth (by 27%); increase hydration and plumping (by 60%), reduce wrinkles (by 70%), smooth skin (by 80%) and revitalize the skin (by 85%).

Correcting Brightening Body Scrub actively retextures the skin, achieving a brighter, smoother appearance and skin tone. Exfoliating bamboo, jojoba beadlets and stimulating fruit enzymes polish and refine, while rich emollients hydrate and protect. This uplifting scrub invigorates, illuminates and softens the skin.

In honor of this special celebration, we are offering a one-day promotion: 20% off all Kerstin Florian products on www.kerstinflorian.com (promo code KF20).

Enjoy this day of celebration and join us to take a moment, pause, reflect and give thanks to this beautiful planet on which we live.


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